dimanche 27 mars 2011

The composite cathedral of Viviers

The department of Ardèche is extremely picturesque and has many historical monuments. The cathedral of Viviers is a composite edifice offering a rare lesson of architecture and styles. The classical vaults of the nave deeply contrast with the magnificent lierne ribs and tiercerons of the choir. The name Viviers would originate from a former vivarium installed in the ancient city of Alba-the-Roman.....Read more with photos of the city: http://quazen.com/arts/architecture/the-composite-cathedral-of-viviers/

La si pittoresque cîté de Viviers en Ardèche possède de nombreux monuments historiques tous aussi intéressants les uns que les autres. La cathedrale est une véritable leçon d'architecture où les voûtes classiques de la nef contrastent fortement avec le magnifique choeur à liernes et tiercerons. le nom de Viviers viendrait d'un ancien vivarium installé à Alba-la-Romaine.... Voir la suite avec galerie de photos: http://quazen.com/arts/architecture/the-composite-cathedral-of-viviers/

lundi 14 février 2011

A Roman Milestone in a Cathedral


In the picturesque City of Valence, Southern France, many Gallo-Roman fragments were reused for houses, and the cathedral even has a rare Roman milestone. You will also discover historical buildings and marvellous gardens. The Cathedral saint-Appolinaris of Valence was built under Bishop Gontard in the early twelfth century. The dedication stone which is still visible says: "In honour of...
Saviez-vous qu'on peut découvrir une borne milliaire romaine dans la cathédrale de Valence? Pour une visite de cette ville magnifique, suivez le lien ci-dessus.

samedi 8 janvier 2011

The Mysteries of Abu Simbel Temple


Returning from the Battle of Kadesh, Ramesses II wished to reinforce the divine character of Pharaoh's function. He decided a complete architectural program to affirm the glory of the sovereign all over the region. The Egyptian Nubia, South of Aswan, was a little populated place surrounded by deserts. Why did Ramsesses II make his decision to erect here several sanctuaries, among them Abu Simbel? Did the Pharaoh intend to impress Nubian populations or enemies coming from the South? This is only part of the reality, because temples played an important role in maintaining civilization and natural balance.

The purpose was to fit in with the divine whose Pharaoh was the representative on Earth, using cults and complicated religious celebrations. Abu Simbel was located at the very precise place where on each....Read more: http://trifter.com/africa/egypt/the-mysteries-of-abu-simbel-temple/

Partons à la découverte de ce lieu hautement symbolique de l'Egypte ancienne, au Sud d'Assouan en Nubie dont le soleil revivifie les statues à des dates précises. Lire la suite en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessus.