mercredi 9 juin 2010

Extraordinary Early Gothic at Laon Cathedral


The beautiful city of Laon is called the "Crowned Mountain" due to its magnificent cathedral which dominates the plain from very far. It was built atop a hill upon which the old city of Laon grew and expanded. Notre-Dame de Laon is considered one of France's senior cathedral and one of the most attractive edifices of the Gothic Style at its beginnings. The sculptures, towers, nave with large tribunes and triforium, stained glass windows and moving tribute to the oxen sculpted in the towers (they carried the stones in the Middle-Ages) will make your visit simply unforgettable. Read more with photos:

la cathédrale de Laon de par son emplacement en haut de la "Montagne Couronnée" domine la plaine. Les tours, les sculptures, les vitraux, sa nef à larges tribunes et triforium, son chevet plat et le vibrant hommage rendus aux boeufs sculptés grandeur nature dans ses admirables tours (ce sont eux qui amenèrent les pierres en haut de la colline) font de Notre-Dame de Laon la plus extraordinaire cathédrale du style gothique à ses débuts. Lire la suite avec importante galerie de photos en suivant le lien ci-dessus.

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